



      提问香蕉的英文是:Do you have banana? 或者Are there any bananas? 你也可以用 Have you got any bananas?


      1. Excuse me, do you have banana?

      2. Hi there, are there any bananas?

      3. Hey, have you got any bananas?



      1. Could you lend me some money?

      2. Do you want to come to the party?

      3. Are you planning on going out tonight?

      4. Can I borrow your phone for a second?

      5. Will you join me for lunch tomorrow?

      以上就是使用 Do you have/Are there any bananas 的替换句子,当你想要询问某件事情时,可以使用这种句式。

      此外,可以使用 is there 询问香蕉,但是一般这个短语不能替换为 Do you have ,Have you got,通常是用来询问当前情况、状态以及可用性的。


      1. Is there anything I can do to help?

      2. Is there anyone free to help me with this task?

      3. Is there a grocery store nearby?

      总结:本文主要介绍了用英语询问香蕉的方法,并重点介绍了正确使用句子来提问香蕉的关键字:Do you have banana ?Are there any bananas ? 以及 Have you got any bananas? 同时提出了替换句式,以及 is there 的用法,帮助读者正确的表达意思,在日常生活中轻松完成沟通任务。
